
respeck on mi nombre

.950 radical invasion

if this ain’t the one/then guess better clap another/yes peace, good brother/no harm/humble jewels after hacked horror/picture much larger/than 4 block radius/who hates us/worst than cracked reflection/change perception/alignment severe crooked critical/in that red zone/barely looking to score/no thirst this evil/prowling for your quiet/cooped up on couch/damaged dungeon/salte de ahi/mystery turtle shell/cat hiss/wing flap/snake bite/bark; don’t fuck with anger/spoiled standard/superstar substance/trash in abundance/recognize displeasure/see your scars/mine got slit yesterday/wanted to heal since/honored chosen/recovery from broken family slow motion/explosion shards of invisible glass/beneath heart/admit/vida did not happen/anyway planned/if this magic/is blind fuckup/you lucky/piece of beautiful wonder/clown strings can’t stand/what been pulling/dull nail pounds hammer/in wisdom’s cavity/severe insanity/floundering lack of focus/scattered distracted/all lines dead/entire poetry discography/easily available/ask/so what if you don’t know me/fam & hood call me tony/but it is mr anthony morales to you buddy/props but fux the recognition/how willing are you to love/not judge/tell me que soy feo/if looking ugly

don't worry/i'm alive

hasty dip (109/exit 11/noble & lafayette/60th)

unlimited entrances/101 exits/what’s the strategy to maintain/leave me be/let leaves fall in early autumn/at your very highest/faint heard death calling/won’t pick up phone/until no more love available/addiction is flesh eating scavenger/eager for empty mind to get wasted/bring your own brave beverage/above average rage/sinks below barest minimum wage/acting like never attended one of those sessions/screamed ay dios mio after smacked/osity had you like/frog tongue/midget trumpet/pin the uh the pin/thee but uh thee to the bee/only you can laugh at joke no one else will find funny/guy like you someday gonna go somewhere/found sitting on chopped trunk/counting rings/wandering watching stream filter/further north/crown to calloused corn/how so gone but never left/left as if always stay/stay like no place else to see/saw who else except me/still smoking sour in search of first time taste/so many wild mistakes/new & improved management/could handle today/might switch manana into blueprint for sustainable future/urgent list of priorities/failed to accomplish/abstract objective/creating legacy/while allowing healing/never was your fault/you did nothing wrong