


What do you speak of
Nalgas y damage to confidence

Conditioned to accept complacency
Limited agency with unrealistic expectations
Staged conquest demise at climax

Don’t be sack of stinking excrement
Fragrant evidence dramatic reenactment

Faces and names changed to protect legacy
Smudged body grease eye water

Simple answers complex questions
Plato didn’t own patent on perfection
Shadow original irreplaceable form

Calmest storm in chaos
Comatose despite carnage
Roadside carne sizzle roasted asphalt

Mountains don’t move
Billy goats gently bounce valley breeze

Who do you plan to please with those weak degrees
Fancy ink on parchment

Quickly started hastily ended
Center of displeasure hard to measure

Crawl in search of what you left behind
Difficult experience brilliant chances

Separate expectations welcome elevation
Premeditated mystery confounded
Compelled to tune in

While magnifying glass zooms out
Skinny figure cast largest shallow
Worm at middle of putrid apple

Earliest quenching hunger
Latest comprehending highly visible

Living miracles testifying redemption
Remembrance of blessed elders

Walked down slippery roads
So be wealthy

Tender molecules precious atoms
Who could fathom such a wonderful life

Smile shows your peoples beauty
What a glorious sight

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